Wednesday, August 20, 2008

wrapping things up

Sitting and watching the olympics on davey's new flat screen tv- pretty exciting, nice to be getting back in touch with the real world, and getting ready to move on to the next phase in my life. Will, Sam and Jared have all left for Zambia for sam's Love it Live it Zambezi trip, and things are generally starting to peter out here. reasonably busy for work, so i cant complain too much. Ive been fortunate enough to work with a lot of lady kayakers lately, and it has been a big change of pace. Women definatley learn a little differently, and carry a different set of problems and baggage when it comes to boating, esp. on new rivers or with men, particularly boyfriends. Its been educational for me as a coach, and as a female boater. Ut has been a lot of fun though- so if you are working and having fun you cant complain too much.

Shirray, my landlady and owner of ATadventures uganda went away for the week, leaving annie house sitting and her new puppy, a sweet little rottweiler named betty, to play with. We got to cook tons of food- delicious, and so nice to not eat fried food. Again- transitioning back into the real world where i don't live inside a bar. Trying to upload a photo of the puppy... see if it works.

had a good birthday, just chilled out and hung out with annie and davey. found out that georgie, my boss' girlfriend shares my birthday, so had a little celebration with her in the bar as well.
thanks for the bday wishes, for those who wished, and i will see you all shockingly soon. cant say i know where this year went, but time flies when you are having fun.

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