Tuesday, January 1, 2008

happy new years!

happy new years! things are good here. we celebrated christmas with a picnic, and a large buffet meal,, as well as a white elephant gag gift exchange as morgan, paul, karl, tara, steve (karls dad), shannon and i sat under a small fake x mas tree purchased at an indian super market for the price of 5000 ush that we then decorated with colorful condoms. i got a slingshot made from tire rubber, and a maraca. from there it was to the lemon for a few days, though karl did wake up on christmas morning to a fat lip and malaria. At the lemon, got to play on the special, (tired out a new boat, the project 45, and loved it) and then it was back home to NRE minus Shannon, Steve, and Amy to ring in the new year. im not sure as to any resolutions yet, but mostly to enjoy my time here, and do what i can. i tried to upload a few picturs, but with out success, i swear to see if i cant start a flickr page at some point this week, as well as try again to upload a picture or two to the blog.
best wishes for te new year to all...


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you dear Anna Pauline!
Wishing you love, good health, and safe adventure!

Anonymous said...

hey anna its me kristen! how are you? it sounds like just another day in paradise.. did ibra ever give you the package of my stuff i left for you? well i hope all is well. and happy new year. drop me an email soon. kshuken@gmail.com